Pennsylvania LLC Cost

We’ve compiled the most common fees associated with forming an LLC in Pennsylvania.

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FAQs on how to determine Pennsylvania LLC costs

  • What does it cost to start a business in Pennsylvania? Other than the filing fee, depending on your circumstances, there may be more fees that you will need to cover:

    Pennsylvania LLC Filing Fee – $125

    The filing fee for the Pennsylvania LLC Certificate of Organization is $125. Veteran or reservist owned small businesses may qualify for a fee exemption.

    Name Reservation Fee – $70

    If you’re not quite ready to file your Certificate of Organization, but you’ve thought of a great business name, you can reserve the name now to be used when you file to start your LLC. All you have to do is file your Name Reservation form and pay a $70 fee.

    Registered Office Fee

    The registered office—which most states call a registered agent—can be free since any owner or employee of a business can be its own registered office in Pennsylvania as long as they are over the age of 18 and have a street address in Pennsylvania. But being your LLC’s official registered office may place time restrictions on you that you may not want. Because of this, many businesses hire a commercial registered office for a small yearly fee. We can help you find the right registered office for your LLC with our Pennsylvania Registered Office Service.

  • How much is an LLC in Pennsylvania? The answer varies depending on particular circumstances. Sometimes you may have surprise expenses when running your Pennsylvania LLC. Here are some of the other Pennsylvania LLC fees apart from your Certificate of Organization.

    Amended Certificate of Organization

    A Certificate of Amendment may be necessary later down the road if you decide to change information that was on our original Certificate of Organization. The filing fee is $70.

    Change of Registered Office

    A Change of Registered Office form needs to be filed when your LLC changes this role. The filing fee is $5 and can be done online.

    DBA Name in Pennsylvania

    A “doing business as” name or DBA is the common name for a second name for your company. In Pennsylvania, a DBA is called a fictitious name and is often used when you don’t want to change your original LLC’s name, but you need a new name to market a new product or a new business location. To have a fictitious name, you have to file a Registration of Fictitious Name form, which will cost $70.

    Foreign LLC

    An out-of-state business that wants to register in Pennsylvania is called a foreign LLC. To be legally allowed to run your foreign LLC in Pennsylvania, you need to file a Foreign Registration Statement with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State. The filing fee for this document is $250, but once it’s filed, you’re legally allowed to operate your business in the state.

    Business Licensing

    You might also have to pay fees for the following depending upon what type of business you’re starting:

    • Business licenses
    • Permits
    • Registrations

    You may need these licenses, permits, and registrations at the local, state, and federal levels. We can give you a Business License Report that breaks down what specific licenses, permits, and registrations your business may need depending on what type of business you have and your circumstances.

    For just $0 plus state fees, we can form your Pennsylvania LLC for you in just minutes. No LegalZoom promo code required: Pay just $0 plus filing fees for fast LLC formation in Pennsylvania. 

  • There are no specific penalties for failing to file the required forms. But if you miss a filing and are late, your LLC will eventually lose its good standing to do business within Pennsylvania.

  • If you can’t pay your filing fees, the Pennsylvania Secretary of State will reject your application, and you won’t be able to legally transact business within the state as an LLC.

  • You pay your filing fees to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State.

  • The largest fee you will pay during the start-up process in creating your LLC will be the Certificate of Organization filing fee of $125. Once your LLC is established, there may be larger fees and expenses you have to pay for permits, licenses, and registrations you will need based on the kind of business you run, your business location, and your business’s needs.

  • The easiest and quickest way to file your LLC starting documents is to do it online. If you do this, you can use a credit or debit card for your payments. If you are filing the forms by mail, you will need a check or money order to be submitted along with the forms.

Pennsylvania Secretary of State Contact Information

Mailing Address:
401 North Street, Rm 302
Harrisburg PA 17120
Physical Address:
401 North Street, Rm 302
Harrisburg PA 17120
(717) 787-6458

We can help!

Being your own boss can be extremely rewarding. It can take a lot of work, though, and a lot of research and paperwork. But you aren’t alone. We are here to help you get your LLC up and running quickly and stay legally compliant. If you have questions, then we have answers. Let us give you peace of mind knowing that things will be done correctly and on time.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is for information purposes only, and does not constitute legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have specific questions about any of these topics, seek the counsel of a licensed professional.

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Start Your LLC in Pennsylvania